The northern pike (Esox lucius) is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox. They are typical of brackish and fresh waters of the Northern Hemisphere (i.e. holarctic in distribution). They are known simply as a pike in Britain, Ireland, and most of Eastern Europe, Canada and the United States. Nicknamed the waterwolf, a well deserved label, because they have an overzealous appetite and have been known to eat other fish over half their own size as well as small ducks and anything swimming on the surface that they can fit in their mouths.

Pike are found in sluggish streams and shallow, weedy places in lakes and reservoirs, as well as in cold, clear, rocky waters. They are typical ambush predators; they lie in wait for prey, holding perfectly still for long periods, and then exhibit remarkable acceleration as they strike. They inhabit any water body that contains fish, but suitable places for spawning are also essential. Because of their cannibalistic nature, young pike need places where they can take shelter between plants so they are not eaten. In both cases, rich submerged vegetation is needed. They are often overlooked as a target fly fishing species, but with explosive takes often on top water flies and a few good runs, any angler will come to appreciate these toothy apex predators.

Aniak River Lodge


Located on the remote banks of the Aniak River, it's jam packed with rainbows, dollies, grayling, salmon, sheefish and northern pike. It's a fish factory. Talk about a complete fly fishing experience!

Bear Trail Lodge


Bear Trail Lodge is located at the epicenter of some of the best trout, salmon and char fisheries in Alaska. For those who are looking for a superb fly-out experience targeting a mixed bag experience, Bear Trail should be...

Epic Narrows Musky Camp


The Epic Narrows Musky Camp, located on Lake of Woods Ontario, Canada, is the only operation we know of that is dedicated to fishing muskies exclusively with a fly rod. Lake of the Woods is massive, covering an area of over...

Rapids Camp Lodge


Rapids Camp Lodge, an easy to reach, full service fly-out lodge with excellent home water and one of the most diverse and exciting fly fishing programs in Alaska. The lodge is located on the Naknek River, near King Salmon,...

Royal Coachman Lodge


Of all the attributes that make Royal Coachman Lodge attractive, none are so obvious as their location, and the quality of their staff. The lodge itself is located on the banks of a wilderness river in the remote Togiak/Tikchik region...

Royal Wolf Lodge


Royal Wolf Lodge is remote, only accommodates 12 anglers a week in a true wilderness setting, and boasts one of the finest, most tastefully-appointed lodge and cabin complexes in its genre. They are the epicenter of Alaska’s revered...