Saltwater Fly Fishing is all about the hunt!

You’re on the water at first light, hunting for tarpon blasting through schools of baitfish, or moving in small pods, rolling their silver backs through the water’s surface. The excitement builds when your guide raises the motor and begins poling the skiff towards the fish, getting you into position for the cast. You’re up on the deck, line stripped off your reel, and the tarpon are showering baitfish into the air.

Silently, the skiff glides within range and you drop your streamer on the edge of the feeding frenzy. A couple quick pulls on your line and it comes tight. You react by pulling hard on the line to set the hook, swinging your rod down and to the side, and three feet of twisting silver rockets out of the slick water and into the air. You’ve anticipated this moment for months, traveled thousand miles, and it all compressed down to the magic of jumping tarpon in the predawn light.

Saltwater fly fishing is about the hunt, and it happens in some of the most beautiful and tropical locations on the planet.


Australia is the latest frontier on the saltwater fly fishing map. For years we have heard fantastic stories from The Land Down Under, and finally we had to go explore it for ourselves. What we encountered lived up to the hype…


Poling or wading the tidal flats of the Bahamas produces some of the best bonefishing in the world. While other locations may score a heavier fish occasionally, or greater quantities of small bonefish, veteran flats anglers make this their first...


There is something for everyone in Belize, and a collection of some of the most well-organized, professional lodges, guides, and fishing operations in the Caribbean. Each lodge has its own unique character. Some offer high-end services ranging...

British, West Indies

Imagine flats so shallow that these intrepid operators had to get an airboat to cover them quickly and adequately. Even saltwater veterans will drop their jaws...

Christmas Island

Christmas Island earned its fame as one of -- if not the -- most prolific bonefish destinations anywhere, and fly rodders have made this remote pacific atoll a must-fish for saltwater fly fishing locales for decades.


Cuba’s legendary flats are now open for business and The Fly Shop has teamed up with two reliable and modestly priced outfitters with exclusive access to two distinctly different and diverse fisheries! Cuba's fly fishing landscape has...


Florida’s Lower Keys stretch for 36 miles between Marathon and Key and offer outstanding flats fishing for bonefish, permit, tarpon and snook. Florida is also home to Everglades National Park – Florida’s “River of Grass”, spanning the southern tip...


This area is said to hold one of highest concentrations of sailfish anywhere, and it is easily accessible. With numbers like 57 releases with a fly rod from one boat in ONE DAY, one can see why chances are greater of hooking billfish here...


Fly Fish Guanaja is an all-inclusive saltwater fly-fishing lodge in the Bay Islands of Honduras. Fly Fish Guanaja’s lodge sits in the perfect location with numerous permit flats within a 5 minute boat ride. With no other lodges on the island and due to...

Indian Ocean

The remote flats and atolls of the Indian Ocean represent one of the final frontiers in saltwater flats fishing. These destinations are a long way from anything, which has helped protect and preserve the resources and fisheries so that...


Louisiana is located in the Deep South and is known as “Sportsman’s Paradise”. Louisiana is the redfish capital of the world. It is vast and remote, covering over 20,000 square miles and stretching from Texas to the Mississippi border.

Oman - Arabian Fly

Arabian Fly Sport Fishing, in the Arabian Sea, on the coast of Oman is an amazing and extremely unique fishery. The outfitters of Arabian Fly are the pioneers of this area and the team that figured out how to target T. Africanus, the rarest...