
Chile, in the language of the indigenous peoples, means “where the world ends.” This is an apt description when you consider the country stretches farther South than any other land mass in the world besides Antarctica. Located along the southwestern coast of South America, the Andes and Argentina define Chile’s eastern border. To the North lies Peru, and Bolivia is to the Northeast. The Pacific Ocean borders the entire western edge of Chile.

In total Chile is 2,400 miles long, about the distance from San Francisco to New York, though it is only 150 miles wide at its widest point.

The climate is highly varied and closely resembles the west coast of the United States and Canada. The Humboldt Current carries cool waters up from Antarctica and its effects are felt along the entire coast, producing a rich diversity of marine life.

In the northern part of Chile lays the Atacama Desert, the world’s driest place. The central region is very similar to California, with a long “Central Valley” encompassing one of the finest wine producing regions in the world. To the South lies the beautiful Lakes District with its pristine lakes and majestic volcanoes. Further to the South is Patagonia, a vast, basically uninhabited wild land marked by temperate rainforests, rugged mountains, volcanoes, glaciers and fjords. The Andes stretch the entire length of the country, reaching altitudes of over 20,000 feet in the north. The Southern Andes diminish in size, becoming a string of lush, rugged peaks and snow-capped volcanoes.


Patagonia is not a political region but rather a broad, vague mass of land marked by a similar climate and culture, spanning the southern portions of both Argentina and Chile. It is said that “Patagonia” is less a place, and more a feeling. Chilean Patagonia is defined by a rugged mountainous coastline of fjords, islands, and temperate rainforests, much like the inside passage of Southeast Alaska or coastal British Columbia. As one moves east toward the border of Argentina, the land becomes increasingly drier (Pampa) and is quite similar visually to Montana and other areas of the Western U.S. The summer (Nov.-April) weather in Chilean Patagonia can most aptly be described as variable. Conditions can range from hot and sunny (80°F+) to cool and rainy (40ºF). Anglers should be prepared for either type of condition.

Fishermen will normally find themselves in and around the region of Aysen. Coyhaique is the government center (and sportfishing hub) of this region and was founded in 1929.

The “Carretera Austral,” or Southern Highway, a rugged gravel road running 800 miles south from Puerto Mont to Villa O’Higgins, is the continuation of the “Pan-American Highway.” It is still under construction throughout its southern end, being widened for eventual paving. The main industries in Aysen are lumber, mining, fish farming, government, and tourism.

Contact Numbers

South America Travel Agent
Holdy Tours
Alicia Regueiro
(800) 446-1111 | (925) 927-6617 |

The Fly Shop®
4140 Churn Creek Road
Redding, CA 96002
(800) 669-3474 | (530) 222-3555 |

Embassy of the USA in Chile
Avenue Andrés Bello 2800, Las Condes Santiago, Chile
PH: (56-2) 330-3000 | FAX: (56-2) 330-3710, 330-3160 |
Embassy hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For U.S. citizens solely inquiring about passport, citizenship and other consular services not related to visa matters, please E-mail at

Political History:
During the 1500’s, Spanish conquistadors took control of much of what is Chile today.  However, they were unable to conquer the fiercely independent Mapuche peoples south of the Ninth Region’s Río Bío Bío. In 1818, Chile gained independence from Spain during a widespread and united independence movement under the leadership of Simón Bolívar of Bolivia, Argentine José de San Martín, and Bernardo O’Higgins, a Chile of Irish descent.

Development of Chile’s port cities was greatly influenced by the California gold rush of 1849, where the coastal city of Valparaiso served as the first Pacific port of call during the sea journey from the Eastern United States to California. Chileans made up a large number of the first wave of prospectors to reach the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in search of gold.

Chile remained a democracy from time of independence until a violent military coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet in 1973, overthrew the socialist administration of President Salvador Allende.  The resulting military dictatorship remained in power until 1989, after being rejected by voters in a plebiscite offered to modify the country’s constitution and allow the regime to stay in power until 1997. The first multi-party elections in over a decade subsequently took place and voters elected Christian Democrat, Patricio Alwyn, who served a 4-year term while the country returned to democratic government.

Chile has been a democracy since 1989. Prior to that time, the country was under the leadership of military dictator, Augusto Pinochet. Transition to democracy has been smooth. In 2010, the new president of Chile, billionaire businessman Sebastian Piñera took office. He took over from Michelle Bachelet, who was Chile’s first woman president and only the second in Latin America.

Santiago is the capitol and largest city in Chile with 6,903,392 million inhabitants. Valparaiso is Chile’s largest port, located directly to the west of Santiago.

The language spoken in Chile is Spanish, although many traditional Mapuche people have maintained their native language, and German may be heard in some areas of the South. Aside from the large hotels in Santiago, very few people in Chile speak English. A good Spanish dictionary and phrase book, or a pocket translator will be useful throughout your trip. All guides speak both Spanish and English. Chilean language is full of slang and unique idioms, and even fluent Spanish speakers will need time to adjust to local colloquialisms. Feel free to ask, as Chileans love to explain their slang.

The People of Chile:
Total population of Chile is approximately 15 million. More than 50% of this number lives in the 5th Region and the Santiago Metropolitan Region. The majority of Chileans (95%) are of European decent or mestizos, a mix of European and indigenous descent. Three percent are full-blooded indigenous peoples, who identify themselves most commonly as Mapuche or Pehuenche. Seventy-five percent of all inhabitants are Roman Catholic, 15% Protestant and 10% Jewish, Muslim and other faiths.

Chileans are overall very friendly and welcome foreign tourists. The hospitality of the campesinos (country people) in rural Chile is renowned. One of the first things you may notice about Chilean society is that it is very homogenous. Although minority groups exist, they have either immersed themselves into the dominant culture or, like the traditional Mapuche have maintained their cultural identity while remaining on the edge of mainstream society. Historically, societal divisions have run more along lines of social class than ethnicity.  However, as new opportunities have arisen for social mobility within Chile’s growing economy, society in general has become, to an extent, less stratified.

Chileans are very dedicated to family life, and most social activity revolves around the family. It is not uncommon for unmarried children of all ages to live at home, and members of the extended family gather daily for meals and conversation.

Social Customs:
In informal situations, a quick kiss on the right cheek is common for a man greeting a woman, or between women. Men shake hands. Conversations are customarily started, (especially when transacting business), with a greeting equivalent to “good day:” Buenos dias is used in the morning, buenas tardes in the afternoon until 6:00 or 7:00PM, and buenas noches in the evening. Chileans will always ask about your family in conversation – they are not prying but are expressing sincere interest. Photos of your family and home region are always welcomed and provide a good way to break the ice.

In some rural areas of Chile, when visiting with locals, it is customary to share a hot tea-like drink called “mate” (mah-tay). Yerba mate is a strong herb, packed into a gourd (called a mate) which is then filled with hot water. It is sipped using a silver-plated straw called a bombilla. Each person sips the gourd dry – not lingering over the drink – and then passes the mate back to the host who refills it and passes it on to the next person. An invitation to share mate should be considered very special.

Of course, it is impossible to explain all of Chile’s rich customs and culture in this limited space. We recommend the book Culture Shock, Chile: A Guide to Customs and Etiquette, by Susan Roraff and Laura Camacho. It provides an excellent overview of Chilean customs and society.

Food In Chile:
With its vast coastline, Chile is best known for its wonderful variety of seafood (mariscos). However, Chile also has many typical dishes made with chicken (pollo) or beef (carne). Typical cuisine includes; Curanto, a mixture of steamed shellfish, sausages, and potatoes; Cazuela de Mariscos, a delicious seafood stew with a buttery base; Pastel de Choclo, a corn casserole with chicken and beef; Empanadas, fried or baked turnovers with a variety of fillings; and Asado de Cordero, fresh lamb roasted over open coals and traditionally prepared for special occasions.  In southern Chile there is an excellent variety of locally produced (artesian) cold cuts, sausages, cheeses, jams, fruits, bread, and honey.  Chilean food is not overly spicy; however, meals are usually accompanied by a bottle of Aji, a spicy hot sauce derived from aji chile peppers. Lovers of spicy food will enjoy its unique taste.  Desserts include German-influenced küchen and Celestino, crepes stuffed with a sweet filling called Dulce de Leche and topped with powdered sugar. Guests at our lodges will usually experience at least one traditional asado, barbeque, usually on the last night, as well as a variety of typical Chilean dishes throughout their stay. Our Chilean lodges and outfitters compliment their meals with fresh fruits, vegetables, home-made pastries, and bread. Wonderful Chilean wines are served during the mid-day meal and at dinner.

Chilean Wines & Liquor:
Chilean wines are among the world’s finest. Wine selected from the country’s top vineyards is served with dinner each night. Wine may be included with your riverside lunch, if desired. Just let your guide know. Pisco, grape-derived liquor, is the most popular hard alcohol in Chile. The national drink, Pisco Sour, made with lemon juice, is very delicious and will be served to toast your arrival at the first night’s dinner.

Fishing History:
Trout and salmon are not native to South America. They were first introduced into Chile and Argentina’s regional rivers beginning in the early 1900’s, primarily by European owners of the large estancias in the South who imported the eggs and smolt, by ship, from hatcheries in both the U.S. and Europe. Subsequent government sponsored introductions into the pristine lakes and rivers of the Lakes Region of Chile were very successful and this area blossomed into a sports fishing Mecca in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  It was made famous by writers such as Roderick Haig-Brown, Ernest Schweibert, and Joe Brooks. However, the fishing quality of the Lakes Region has since deteriorated due to pressure and mismanagement of the resource. Meanwhile, introductions into Patagonian waters have been highly successful and the Aysen Region of Chile has now overtaken the Lakes Region as the sportfishing center of Chile. Rainbow and brown trout are the most abundant species and brook trout, and salmon can be found in a few remote areas.

Traveling To, From & Within Chile

Chile’s currency is the Peso. As of May 2203, the exchange rate was 806 pesos per U.S. dollar. Having a small calculator on hand is useful for transactions. Bills come in 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, and 20,000 Pesos. Higher denomination bills can be difficult to change in many places. ATM machines are available throughout cities in Chile, including Santiago, Puerto Mont, Coyhaique and Puerto Varas.

Merchants throughout the country accept U.S. Dollars too (although exchange rates may vary widely!), as well as American Express, MasterCard and Visa. Because of their remote location and limited communication, however, credit cards are NOT accepted at any of our Chilean lodges. Cash, US$ is the preferred type of payment for gratuities, souvenir, or incidentals.

Taxes & Service Charges:
Foreign travelers are exempt from paying the VAT (value added tax) of 19% at hotels, if they present their passports, tourist cards and foreign credit cards to the hotel staff upon payment.

Time Zones:
Chile is in UTC Time Zone (5 hours ahead of Pacific Time Zone, 2 hours ahead of East Coast Time)

The power in Chile and Argentina is 220 volts with a European 2-prong plug. Most modern electrical devices like cameras, iPods, laptops, GPS and satellite telephones will accept 110 – 240 volts and output automatically to US standard 110.  For these devices, all you will need is a simple plug adaptor. If, however, your device does not convert to 220, it is best to bring an external converter. We suggest a dual-wattage foreign travel AC converter; it lets you use 110 VAC devices on 240 VAC for motorized or heat producing devices up to 50 watts, such as radios, irons, lamps and handheld hair dryers.

Power adapter drawing for Chile and Argentina

Telephone Service:
Telephone service is very modern throughout most of Chile.

Fishing License:
The outfitter you are fishing with will take care of your Chilean Sportfishing License.  However, in order for them to do so, it is imperative The Fly Shop® receive the following information from you at least 4 weeks prior to your departure date:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport
  • Passport number
  • Expiration date of your passport
  • Date of birth

Bugs, generally, are not a problem in Patagonia. However, horseflies and the occasional mosquito can, at times, be bothersome. If you are sensitive to the rare bite from these insects, pack a bottle of repellent with DEET as the active ingredient, just in case.

Health Precautions:
In general, there is very little risk of infectious disease in Chile. In the South, the risk would be about equivalent to what it would be for a trip to Colorado. Most people, who have problems, pick up something either during their plane flight to Chile or in Santiago. Commonly, those who do get sick often do so on their third day in Chile. Colds and stomach problems are the most common. To reduce the risk, use common sense and follow basic guidelines:

  • Use discretion when eating from open-air stands
  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids & avoid dehydration
  • Drink bottled water while in Santiago

Medical services are good but may not meet U.S. standards. Hospitals and doctors often expect immediate cash payment for health services. U.S medical insurance is not always valid outside the U.S. Supplemental insurance that covers overseas medical costs and provisions for medical evacuation is recommended. There are small outpost health clinics within relatively easy striking distance of our Chilean properties for first aid and emergency care.

Safety Precautions:
Chile is, in general, a very safe place to travel, especially in the remote countryside of the South where most anglers will spend their vacation. While in Santiago, travelers should take common sense precautions, as they would in any large city.  A high incidence of petty crimes – such as pick-pocketing & luggage theft has been reported in the city. When traveling after dark, it is recommended to go by taxi. Travelers should avoid the city’s parks at night.

The Chilean police, or Carabineros, are helpful and maintain a very high level of integrity. They are legally empowered to ask for identification at any time.  It is always a good idea to carry copies of your passport and tourist card at all times. The original documents can be locked in your hotel’s safe (caja fuerte). Stories of bribery of South American police do not apply to Chile. Never attempt to bribe a carabinero.

Potable Water:
It is strongly recommended travelers only drink bottled water while in Santiago. In the South of Chile water quality is excellent and generally very safe.

Souvenir Shopping in Chile:
At El Saltamontes, a working Alpaca ranch, clothing and crafts made from the exquisite fur of the animal are available for purchase. Elsewhere, there is a small crafts market in Coyhaique that sells knit goods, carvings, pottery, etc. Chile is also known for its Lapis Lazuli jewelry, and there are many shops in the Bellavista area of Santiago that offer quality jewelry. Lapis is available in the airport shops as well. Also available are locally produced chocolates, jams, and honey. Handmade Mapuche goods and silver jewelry make fine souvenirs.

Business Hours:
Businesses in Chile’s cities and rural areas normally open at 9:00am, close 1:00am to 3:30pm for lunch, and re-open until 7:00-8:00pm. Most businesses are open Saturdays until 2:00pm and closed Sundays. Banks are open Monday through Friday 9:00pm to 2:00pm.

Conversions From Metric To Standard
To Convert into multiply by
Centimeters Inches .394
Meters Yards 1.093
Kilometers Miles .621
Kilograms Pounds 2.205

Metric Equivalents
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 yard = .9144 meter
1 mile = 1,609.3 meters or 1.6 Kilometers
1 pound = .454 kilograms
1 acre = .4047 hectare
640 acres (1 square mile) = 259 hectares or 2.59 square kilometers

Tipping is a personal decision and should be based on the level of service you received during your stay and your overall satisfaction with the trip. Generally, each satisfied client will leave a gratuity somewhere in the range of 10% – 15% of total cost of the lodge package. Please be prepared to pay your gratuity in cash, USD$. Gratuities can be left with the lodge or fishing manager and will be divided appropriately among the entire staff.

While in Santiago, it is customary to tip hotel staff & other service providers. Guidelines for typical gratuities in Chile include: $1-$2 per bag to bellmen, plus $1-$2 for opening the room, $1-$2 to doormen for assisting with a cab, $5 to concierge for special efforts & errands, and 10% of your total meal bill (la cuenta) for wait staff or room service personnel. Airport chauffeurs may be tipped $2-5/per person.  It is not customary to tip taxi drivers in Chile; however, it is a nice gesture to allow them to keep small change.

Suggested Books on Chile & Patagonia:
Last Cowboys at the End of the World, Nick Redding (former guide of Rex Bryngleson of La Posada de los Farios) Based on the lives of Gauchos living in Cisnes Medio area, on the Ranch where La Posada de los Farios sits. VERY interesting read and insight into the life of guacho.

In Patagonia, Bruce Chatwin

The Old Patagonia Express, Paul Thoroux

A River for Christmas, Ernest Schwiebert

Chile and Easter Island, Lonely Planet, Wayne Bernardson

Birds of South America

Fodor’s Guidebook for Patagonia

Culture Shock, Chile: A Guide to Customs and Etiquette, by Susan Roraff and Laura Camacho

Holdy Tours:  Our Preferred South America Travel Agent

We at The Fly Shop® do not do airline ticketing; after all, we’re fishermen! Instead we leave the complex business of foreign air and logistics reservations to the professionals. Many of our guests have wonderful travel agents, or a corporate office doing an excellent job of caring for their needs. Holdy Tours agents have been particularly helpful, and we send you in their direction in the hopes that their assistance will make your trip easier and less expensive.

If you are interested, please contact Holdy Tours is intimately familiar with all The Fly Shop’s South American Lodges, a result of servicing hundreds of our customers each year.

HOLDY TOURS – Alicia Regueiro
4482 Sheepberry Court
Concord, CA. 94521
(800) 446-1111 | FAX (925) 927-6640 | E-mail:

Santiago Hotel Recommendations
There are many fine hotels to choose from in Santiago, from affordable to luxurious. We recommend working with our affiliated travel agent, Alicia Regueiro from Holdy Tours, to book a room at a place that is right for you. Alicia has been helping people with Santiago logistics (hotels, tours, driving transfers, etc.) for many years, and can be a huge help.

International Air Travel, Customs & Immigration

Traveling To Chile From The U.S.A.:
The national airline of Chile, LAN, services Santiago with daily flights from Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas and New York. LAN is a wonderful airline, featuring old-world service, and modern Boeing 767-300 aircraft.  Most flights depart in the afternoon or evening, arriving in Santiago the following morning, (one day later). American, Delta, and United Airlines also service Santiago daily with links from most of the major city airports in the United States. Approximate Flying Times are:

  • Atlanta: 9 hours
  • Los Angles: 11 hours
  • Dallas: 9.5 hours
  • Miami: 9 hours
  • New York: 10 hours

Reconfirm Airline Reservations:
South American airlines are notorious for overbooking flights. It is critical you reconfirm all your flights, both domestic and international, at every interval during the trip. This means when you arrive in Santiago, either reconfirm your LAN flight to Coyhaique or Puerto Montt/Puerto Varas the day before or have the concierge do it for you. If you miss that flight, there may not be another until the following day, so it is very important.

International flights typically allow you 2 pieces 50 lbs each, 100 pounds total for checked bags. If you connect straight through to your domestic (Chile) end-destination, the international baggage allotment is honored.  If, however, you layover in Santiago or anywhere along the way, your internal domestic flight will be subject to the domestic baggage allowance of 2 bags, 50 lbs total. Excess fees discussed in the next section.

Preferably your bags should be locked with an approved TSA lock. In case of loss (this occurs very rarely in Chile), report it immediately to your airline representative before you leave the airport. Your lodge representative can help with this and arrange for getting your bags to the lodge. Please pack as light as possible. Soft duffel bags are best.

Immigration Requirements:
For citizens of the USA, when traveling to Chile only a valid passport is required with at least 6 months of validity and a blank page. There are no immunization or other special requirements. For more information, please click on this link to the U.S. Embassy in Chile. Click Here.

For citizens of countries other than the United States, inquire with your nearest Chilean Consulate to confirm entry requirements specific to your nationality. It is the responsibility of all guests to have required documents in order prior to departure.

Chilean Tourist Card:
A Chilean Tourist Card Application will be handed out by your air carrier during your flight to Chile. Fill out the application and present it and your passport to Chilean Immigrations upon arrival into Santiago. Immigrations will take one copy of the Tourist Card and leave you with another which you must keep with your passport and present to Immigrations when you leave Chile. Loss of your tourist card may result in a penalty upon departure.

Airport Entry & Departure Taxes:
A departure tax of $30.00 is due upon leaving Chile for another country. Departure Tax is usually included in the ticket price.

Generally, foreign tourists pass through Chilean customs smoothly. You may bring into the country, on a duty-free basis, personal items needed during your trip such as; clothing, footwear, toiletries, medications (w/copy of the prescription), as well as sporting and fishing equipment There are specific limitations for the following items:

New, expensive electronic equipment such as cameras or laptop computers must be declared and should be accompanied by a copy of the receipt and a simple list noting serial numbers. In order to avoid import taxes you may need to prove upon departure that you are bringing these items home. Prohibited items include live animal products, meat, flowers, fruit, and vegetables.

Carry-On Restrictions:
Each airline has its own specific restrictions on carry-on luggage. Please be sure and contact your airline directly with any questions you may have. You may also try checking the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) website at up-to-date information on carry-on guidelines.

Domestic Travel Within Chile

To reach your ground connections to your fly fishing lodge, you’ll inevitably connect through the hub airports at Puerto Montt or Coihaique/Balmaceda. There are two airlines presently servicing Santiago and these hubs: LAN (most popular) and Sky Airlines. Flight time is 2 – 3 hours from Santiago.

International flights typically allow you 2 pieces 50 lbs each, 100 pounds total for checked bags. If you connect straight through to your domestic (Chile) end-destination, the international baggage allotment is honored.  If, however, you layover in Santiago or anywhere along the way, your internal domestic flight will be subject to the domestic baggage allowance of 2 bags, 50 lbs total, or, for premium / business class, 3 bags, 50 lbs total.)

Catching Your Domestic Flight:
You must first clear immigrations and retrieve your luggage, and then clear through Customs. The entire arrival process in Santiago should take between one and one ½ hours. The new international terminal in Santiago is very modern and well laid-out. Once you clear customs make your way to the third floor of the terminal and check in for your domestic flight to your end destination. If you are short on time, let one of the airline attendants know and they will expedite your check in.

Airport Hotel Transportation:
You have several options in transferring from the airport to your hotel if you will be spending a night in Santiago. There is a taxi/transfer service kiosk just outside of Customs where you can arrange for transportation to your hotel. The cost is very reasonable, approximately $20.00. Or, you can pre-arrange for private transportation with our recommended travel agent, Alicia Regueiro. For transportation from your hotel to the domestic airport we suggest you have the hotel concierge arrange for a taxi, or have a pre-arranged driver set up through Alicia.


A day or more in Santiago may be spent visiting the city’s numerous points of interest. (Information on hotels in the next section.)

Museo de Arte Precolombino:
A well-arranged museum chronicling over 4,000 years of pre-Colombian civilization.
Bandera 361 Plaza de Armas. Tue to Fri 10:00hrs to 18:00hrs
Sat, Sun and Holidays 10:00hrs to 14:00hrs.

Museo Colonial de San Francisco:
Located along the side of the San Francisco church (dating back to 1618, having survived all the earthquakes, entrance is by the church). Colonial building displaying numerous artifacts and an attractive central garden. Alameda 834, Downtown.

Museo de Bellas Artes:
Santiago’s fine arts museum, displaying permanent collections of French, Italian, Dutch and Chilean paintings and often hosting very interesting visiting exhibits. Parque Forestal, Downtown.

Museo Arqueologico de Santiago:
Set amid an historical small neighborhood, with interesting cafes and art galleries, this museum offers a number of exhibits from the indigenous peoples of Chile. Lastarria 321, Downtown.

Palacio de la Moneda (Presidential Place):
The largest colonial building constructed by the Spanish during the 18th century. Originally the Royal Mint and now the seat of the President of Chile. Bombed in 1973 by the Chilean Air force during a military coup led by General Agusto Pinochet. Recently renovated, the Palace interior courtyards are open to the public during the day. Located between streets Morande and Teatinos.

Cerro Santa Lucia (Original City Fort):
Originally named Huelen by the natives and renamed Santa Lucia by the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, on 13 December 1540, when he founded the first settlement at the foot of the hill, later to be named Santiago in 1541. It was Marco du Pont who, during the retaking of Santiago between 1814 to 1817 after an uprising by the natives, converted the hill into a serious defense fort. In 1872 an effort began to transform the fort into an important public place of interest by enlisting 150 jailed prisoners who worked to exhaustion to complete the first part in 1872. The porch and staircase were completed in 1903. This is a great place to visit if you want an impressive view of the immediate downtown area and to enjoy relative quiet within the park that surrounds the fort.

Teatro Municipal:
Opera and Ballet, March to December.Agustina’s corner with San Antonio, Downtown

Bario Paris-Londres (Historic Area):
A small, historic area located behind, but close to the San Francisco church: Narrow streets and interesting architecture.

Mercado Central (Food Market & Restaurants):
The building was constructed between 1868 and 1872 with sections pre-fabricated in England, designed by Fermin Vivaceta for the purpose of exhibiting works of art, but it quickly became used as a market. Today the market is still active, and it is an interesting place to eat. A number of restaurants that specialize in fish dishes surround the principal hall where one can eat and admire the fish, meat and vegetables on display amid the flurry of market activity. Valdés Vergara 900, Downtown.

Palacio Cousiño (Colonial Home):
An elaborate 19th-century mansion dating back to 1871. Built by the Cousiño family, from wealth accumulated from coal and silver mining. Well preserved images from an elite life. Open: Tues – Sun: 09:30hrs – 12:30hrs. 14:30hrs -16:00hrs. Tel: 698 5063 Dieciocho 438, Downtown

Cerro San Cristóbal:
The hill rises 860 m above the rest of Santiago; the peak is the highest point in the city. Its original indigenous name was Tupahue. It was named by the Spanish conquistadors for St Christopher, in recognition of its use as a landmark. At the peak, there is a church with an amphitheater, and a 22m statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary donated by France in the 1920’s. Pope John Paul II gave mass there in 1987. The spot is a superb location from which to view the city.

Santiago Restaurant Recommendations

A Pinch of Pancho
International Food
General del Canto Nº 45
Phone: (562) 235-1700

Carnes (Meats)
Av. Apoquindo Nº3090
Las Cndes
Phone: (562) 233-2301

Spanish and International Food
Isidora Goyenechea Nº 2900
Las Condes
Phone: (562) 233-6507
Fax: (562) 232-5800

Hereford Grill
Carnes (Meats)
Av. El Bosque Norte Nº0355
Las Condes
Phone: (562) 231-9117

Bel Paese
Italian Food
Av. Apoquindo Nº7741
Las Condes
Phone: (562) 212-7086
Fax: (562) 212-7078

Coco Loco
Marisqueria (International and Chilean Food)
Av. El Bosque Norte Nº0215
Las Condes
Phone: (562) 231-3082
Fax: (562) 245-0765
E-Mail: |

Ocean Pacific’s
Marisqueria (Chilean Sea Food)
Av. Ricardo Cumming Nº221
Phone: (562) 697-2413
Fax: (562) 673-1858
E-Mail: |

Carnes (Meats)
El Mañio Nº1659
Phone: (562) 206-3911