I started fly fishing in 1998, and I was lucky enough to have friends who guide, and they were willing to take me out fishing, so I learned from the best. After trying most of the various techniques in fly fishing I feel that I’m most suited for Spey fishing for steelhead. I hope one day to try saltwater fishing at an exotic location.
Q&A with Eric Fields:
How you did you get started in fly fishing?
I started out conventional fishing, and I needed a new challenge.
What does Fly Fishing do for you that keeps you coming back for more?
Fishing new waters and new techniques.
Favorite Fish to pursue?
Steelhead, and top water bass fishing.
What fly fishing destination is on your Bucket List?
Fishing for redfish and black drum in Louisiana.
Favorite Fly Rod and Why?
Sage X. I feel it is the most versatile rod for most applications,
Favorite Reel and Why?
Galvan Torque. Lightweight, good drag, and made in California.
Favorite Fly and Why?
C.B. Assassin, my most constant swinging pattern on the Klamath System.
What is your greatest fly fishing extravagance?
Winston Micro Spey 4 weight with a Galvan Torque 7
Which living or non-living fly fisher would you want to spend a day Fly Fishing with?
Mike Mercer
Who are your favorite writers?
Dec Hogan
What single issue in fly fishing do you feel has the greatest adverse potential?
The lack of new people interested in fly fishing.
What is your most memorable fly fishing trip you’ve taken?
When I went to Tierra del Fuego for sea-run brown trout.
Which talent or natural gift would you most like to have?
I would like to have the discipline to work out.
Who are your heroes in real life?
James Hetfield
What do you most value in your friends?
Someone who has close to the same values as I do.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A dog for sure!